Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Im going to my first convention!

I just bought myself a ticket for my first even convention! Ive never been to one before. I was going to go to one, but I got skrewed over, so no convention there. This one is a comic/movie/anime/gamer convention, and its at the Vancouver Convention Center. My two brothers are going, and some of my friends are going, so it will be cool to go with people. Its ont he 22nd. I need to think of something to wear XD I was thinking of going as a HP character, since Draco Malfoy will be there. I wish it was anyone but him. He sucks XD Why couldnt it be Ron, or Cedric? Then I could tell him what friggin ass pie he is in the Twilight movies *shudders* its not even worth typing about that piece of crap series here ;p
If I see a NES there, I am SO buying it XD Im mostly excited about the artists that will be there. I love original art :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Some new stuff

Its 2012, and that means new stuff. Here are some pics of my newer figurines. I have to say, the new Premo clays are amazing, and I love using clay even more now, if thats possible. Im going through a very emotional time right now, and claying characters really, really helps. Its actually the only thing that is helping.... anyways, here are some pics!

This is a submission I made to PolymerCafe for a contest. I really hope I get a mention at least in the magazine ;) She is The Hawaiian Plumeria ScentSational Chicky Bean. She is pretty awesome.
Ill post more stuff soon